Thursday, January 8, 2009

Monkey Attack !!!!!!!!!!!!!

On winter break my family decided to go to Kuantan, Pahang to have a little family reunion. One Tuesday morning my mom woke me up because my cousin Arman invited me and my six other cousins to go to Teluk Cempedak where the beach is located.In the car ride I was lucky to sit in the front because my other cousins at the back were squeezed in.
When we arrive at the beach it wasn't crowded so we decided to go on a little bridge. That bridge lead us to another small beach which is mostly covered with HUGE boulders. When we arive at the little beach my cousins and I dug a two feet deep hole. When we finish digging our big hole we saw little crabs struggling to dig hole to hide from humans.
After digging the hole we decided to head back home. Suddenly there was an unpleasant surprise. Group of monkeys appeared on the bridge and on trees around us. Few moments later a monkey sneak behind a lady and when that lady saw that monkey it quickly snatch that lady's snack case and climbed the tree to eat it. My cousins took out their celphone to snap some pictures. I stood back because I am afraid of monkeys. Then I went to sit under a tree while my cousins are snapping photos. Suddenly a few drop of water land on my head. I looked up and I saw a monkey. This means that a monkey pee on my head.Suddenly my cousins started laughing at me and I was embarresed. Few moments later we made our was across the bridge and my cousin Amira said that did I use a monkey pee to dye my hair? From that moments I will never stay too close to monkeys again and I think that I really need to be more careful next time

1 comment:

Aidan said...

sissy I've had a parrots pee and 1 parrot poo on my head