Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Atlantic Wall

History is fascinating to me, especially the second world war. Did you ever hear about the Atlantic wall? In 1941 Adolf Hitler who was the commander of the German Nazis gave an order to General Erwin Rommel to build a massive wall to prevent the allied army from invading Germany.The construction of the Atlantic wall begin in 1941 and in 1944 the wall was complete. It had over six thousand bunkers, one million land and underwater mines, six thousand army men, and thirty miles of barbed wire.

On June six 1944, D-Day started and Allied army breached through the wall only in fourteen hours and over ten thousand men had lost their lives. The Atlantic wall failed to protect Germany. Parts of the Atlantic wall still exist today.

If you want to know more about the Atlantic wall you should watch a movie called Saving Private Ryan. This movie took place during the D-Day which is 6/6/1944. I wrote about the Atlantic wall because I love history about the second world war and the Atlantic wall is one of my interest and passions.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Invention That Changes Our Lives Forever

The invention that changes our lives forever is cars. The first car with pistons was build by Henry Ford and it called a quadricycle. Later when Ford's invention was sent to the patent office he made his own company called Ford Motor Co. It made cars and that company still exist today!!!!! In 1908 Ford design the best car in America which is the Model T Ford. It cost only $850 and 15 million of that car. But Henry Ford's company did not make the first car but Karl Benz, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach did. They called their company Mercedes-Benz which is a very well known automobile in the world.Mercedes Benz is one of the first company that made cars.The first Mercedes- Benz was build in 1901. It has three wheels and it used steam engine. Now the Mercedes- Benz had made the second fastest car in the world. This car is called Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren. The luxurious car that they have ever made is the Mercedes Benz S class. The luxurious car in the world is called the Rolls Royce Phantom. In Malaysia it cost about three million Ringgit which is about 1 million American dollars. Cars are so important in our lives because if cars do not exist we would be traveling in a horse wagon which takes very long tome to get to one destination.The invention of a car made is important because we see cars everywhere we go

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The invention of aircraft

Neolithic age which is the new stone age is when people started farming. When people started to farm they have more time to think for new inventions and that is why I chose aircraft. Since airplanes is one of passion I would want to share with you what I know about them.
In December 17 1903 the wright brothers which is Orville and and Wilbur invented the first plane. It was made out of paper and wood. When they started building plane the technology of making planes improved.
The second person was Howard Hughes. In 1947 he made the biggest plane in history which called the Spruce Goose. It is used for carrying army men during the second world war,how ever when Howard Hughes was piloting a new plane that he design it crashed. Luckily Howard survive the crash and he was in the hospital for a long time and the the Spruce Goose was left incomplete. In 1947 Howard asked his company to continue to build the Spruce Goose and when it was complete it was the biggest plane in the history. In April 5 1976 Howard died of kidney failure.
The next generation of the Spruce Goose is a new plane called AC-130 H. It is used by the military. It is a gunship so it can shoot over 300 missiles at once !!!!!!!!!
The new technology was made in the early 2000's. It is called the stealth. It is made out of aluminum foil so that is undetectable by enemy radar. The most advance stealth plane is the B2 spirit. It is a bomber which is a plane that carry high explosive bombs. It can carry only 2 bombs because one bomb is very big to fit inside the aircraft.
This is important because we don't have to take a long boat ride to other country or places. We could just fly.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The SPCA talked to all the sixth graders about how people had done cruel things to animals such chopping off their body parts etc . The lady from the SPCA also mentioned about adopting animal for pets. She showed us Power Point about what they do to find shelter for animals. When the slide is over I think the Power Point presentation is very interesting and it makes me want to tell the whole world not to hurt animals, treat them like how you treat your friends and families.When the SPCA had too much animals they put them to sleep which means to kill them. They do not kill animals for fun but they have to because they are too much.

Friday, November 7, 2008

All about me

My name is Aaiz. I come from Malaysia and I am 12 years old. I go to school at ISKL Ampang which is an enormous school. I am in grade six. My best friends are Adhip and Rik. My favorite band is called The Eagles. And the best song from The Eagles is called Hotel California. My passions are vintage cars, airplanes Hudson Hornet was build in the 1950's and the Mercedes Benz 200 was build in the 1960's,and history of WW2. My favorite vintage car is the Mercedes Benz 200 and Hudson Hornet. The People who I admire from WW2 are General Montgomery, General Dwight D Eisenhower, General Erwin Rommel or The Desert Fox, General George S Patton, Franklin D Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and General Joseph Stalin. My hobby is to watch movie. My favorite movie is called Saving Private Ryan. This movie is about a mother who had four sons went to WW2. June 6 1944 the brothers went to Omaha beach and 3 of them were killed by the Nazis and 1 was lost somewhere in a little village of Omaha beach. The Allied ask Captain John H Miller and his unit to look for Private Ryan and bring him home alive. At the end of this movie the ending was very sad because Captain Miller died but Private James Ryan Was rescued alive.