Tuesday, March 24, 2009


On Malaysia week I went to Royal Belum which is located in a state called Perak. It is a challenging site and there are plenty of leeches. We arrive at Belum by lunch time after a six hours bus ride. We took a long boat ride to our camp site and we finally arrive at the camp site after forty five minutes. When we arrive there the first thing we did was to essemble our tent. After that we had our lunch. We ate chicken with rice and the food was tasty.

The next day we hike for one kilometer in a jungle. When we are going back to our boat there was a steep hill and muddy hill. I slipped down that muddy hill and landed on one of the facilitators which we adress her as Kakak Mei Chin which means "Sister Mei Chin" She was not injured but I was. I got spikes in my skin which hurts and my toes cramp. The rangers lift me up and I thanked Kakak Mei Chin for saving me from that fall. While we were walking I stepped on a mud puddle. Now my shoes are all muddy and my teacher Mr. Sheflin said "It couldn't get any worst" After twenty minutes we arrive at the boat. I counted leach bite, luckily I have only two.

The next day we went to the orang asli village. We gave them present and they really appreciate it. The presents contains coloring book, color pencils and note book. We borrowed blow pipes to pop balloons. Later on we played soccer with the orang asli and we won against them. After two hours we return home and the orang asli waved goodbye at us.When we reach our camp site te ranger taught us how to start a fire, make animal traps, tracking signs and bamboo rice cooking. I helped to cook the fried chicken. First we was the chicken and remove all the gross fat. Secondly we gut it and split it in small pieces. Third we merinate the chicken before we fried it. The our remaining time we made omelette for dinner. Our dinner tonight is fried chicken omelet and rice cooked in bamboo.

On the third day of Malaysia week, we went bamboo rafting. My rafting team is CY, Zareef and my mandarin teacher Miss. Zhao. Our raft collide with other rafts when we lost control and when we made a wrong turn. We paddled our rafts until we reach the orangasli village. It took us forty five minutes to reach the village and the bright side was that we came in second place. When we reach the village, our instructor Tim tied all the rafts together and tied the all on one boat. We all lie down while we are towed back to our camp site. At night we did our nightwalk. Nightwalk is when we go into the jungle and without flashlight we hold eachother's shoulder and walk to hear all the sound of insects that come out at night.

The following day we hiked for the secod time to see the biggest flower in the world which is refflesia. Our instructor told us that this track is easier than the first one. The second track has alot of leaches. There are two kinds of leeches. One is brown leech which is a nice leech. They made our skin numbso that we can't feel when they bite. The second leech is the tiger leech. This is a very mean leech because they just bite you without making you numb.After one hour we stopped near a river to take a rest. The instructor said that you can go back to camp site if you want. I choose to go back to camp site. We wade through the river so that we don't have to get more leeches which is suffering. After half an hour we reach our boat to head to the camp site.
When we reach to the camp site I count how many leech I had. I had twelve and the teachers adress me as a leech magnets.

Our last night in Belum Tim our instructor ask us to take our sleeping bag because we are sleeping in long houses instead of tents. The reason being is that trees branches are falling down